vineri, 30 mai 2008

Around the world in (10x355)+(3x356) days

Expedition 360
Out there (somewhere, don't ask for exact latitude and longitude) there are some morons (in others' view admirable people) who would actually go on a trip around the globe exclusively in man-propelled vehicles! How long did it take? 13 years!
Jason Lewis, self-entitled "self-powered English circumnavigator", had absolutely nothing better to do than quit his job, put his life on hold and set on such a journey. This epic journey was sprinkled with difficult times and hilarious moments. The difficult times - while rollerblading through America - he was hit by a car driving by with a speed of 65 miles/hour - at the wheel a palsied 80-year old with cataract. It was a hit and run (did the old man actually run? my guess is he simply did not see Jason) that left our main character crippled - two broken legs which kept him off-course for 9 months! A hilarious moment (for us, since for him it was painful and later embarassing) - he used to sleep on the side of the road/freeway when he was rollerblading through America and on such an occasion he woke up to feel his groin was on had been invaded by red ants (for those who don't know, they sting like hell). He definitely could go no further in his tight rollerblading pants so had to buy something more confortable, larger, baggier around the afflicted area...the only thing he found were woman's in Alabama he was rollerblading wearing those and had long hair so cars coming from behind would inevitably whistle until they passed by him and saw the beard!
Well, this is all I'm reporting from this adventure land of loonies...You know, for a trip which took him only two years to went quite smoothly...
Oh, apart from the fact that the guy is claiming that he travelled for 13 years to raise awareness about fossil fuel propelled vehicles...I think he made the point that (apart from fossil fuels resulting in pollution) they are faster, cheaper, and get you where you need to be in your lifetime!
Imagine people planning: Hmmm, next year I have a conference in Turkey (considering we live in Romania, which is not that far)...let's arrange our trip a tent, a bicycle, rollerblades, a cayac...and now you're ready to set'll probably get there in time if you start ...!

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